Duane A. Fredrickson, founder and president of Fredrickson Consulting, offers over 22 years’ experience as a workplace security and safety consultant, investigator, trainer, and speaker. This follows a long career in law enforcement and distinguished military service. He educates organizations on promoting a safe work environment, avoiding incidents of workplace violence and other disruptive employee behaviors, and responding to urgent situations when they do occur. If an incident has occurred he is immediately available to assist you in resolving the situation.
Mr. Fredrickson states, “We bring to the table the experience of cases worked over more than 22 years. This includes at least fifty cases of managing high-risk terminations and other layoffs on-site. Our depth of expertise in training and consultation helps organizations properly prepare for violent or disruptive incidents and protect their bottom line.”
Organizations face the risk of legal liabilities, bad publicity, and damaged productivity when harmful personnel situations are not resolved promptly and effectively. Occasionally, tragic consequences are the result. Managers often put off dealing with intimidating employees until the situation escalates. Fredrickson Consulting can provide your company training to avoid such problems or resolve them effectively when they do occur. On-site consulting is available to assist you in resolving an ongoing situation, or even handle the situation for you entirely.
Workplace violence or other unacceptable behaviors often arise out of a poorly handled high-risk termination. Frederickson Consulting offers services supporting high-risk terminations, or any terminations or layoffs. These range from our Safe Terminations seminar to having Duane Fredrickson come on-site and manage the entire process for you. Says Fredrickson, “We specialize in conducting high-risk terminations. We’ll come on-site and conduct a complete investigation and fully document the situation. Our extensive experience allows us to identify red flags and mitigate the situation before the smoke erupts into a fire. We’ll perform the actual face-to-face termination, escort the person off the property, and interface with local law enforcement where necessary. This eliminates management from firsthand involvement and a potentially dangerous confrontation.”
What is your message to employers? Fredrickson responds, “Companies must realize that they have a responsibility and legal duty to put as much emphasis on employee safety and security as they do on profits, production, and performance. Management has a clear choice where it can be proactive rather than reactive. An incident of workplace violence or other disruptive behaviors can harm many aspects of the company’s operation, as well as being legally costly. The best course of action is to be very well-prepared, thereby preventing such incidents or mitigating them if they do occur.”
We also are experts in Identity Theft and data losses and strongly recommend our Identity Theft seminar, When Bad Things Happen to Your Good Name.